Tuesday, January 30

A Way Of Life

Wednesday, January 3

Thinking About Others

The link above is to our high schools principal's blog. It writes about how they have a drive every year to collect things for the needy during Christmas time. The great thing about this was that a family who has had rough times in the past came forth to give back and help another needy family. It makes sense that the family would want to help someone out because they would know what it is like to be in need around the holiday season. Some people really don't know how hard it is for some families around Christmas time. Coming from a family who has had a few of these hard times in the past, I understand that helping others is very important. Some people are probably unaware of drives such as these. I was unware that they have been having drives liek these for several years. I feel it needs to be put out there more and more people should get involved. This would probably result in a few more smiling faces on Christmas morning. Maybe more articles telling about stories such as these would help to incourage others to help out during the holiday season. In doing so, everyone can be happy for the holidays.

Tuesday, January 2

New Year

The new year brings about a time of refection on the past and moving on to the future. The past year of 2006 had it's ups and downs. The year started off nicely with some good snow for snowboarding. As the snow melted, so did sweat from my aching body when lacrosse season started. We ended our season somewhat disapointed because we didn't get to make it to the championship like our team has had in the past. Lacrosse ended and along came the summer, which meant skateboarding season for me. I had my good days and my bad days. Once school passed and I was finished with the dreds of my junior year I was relaxing for the summer season. My year started off good as a senior. It was real easy and I pulled off a cool 95 average. It had been my highest yet. Breaking my ankle skateboarding was definitly a downfall for the year. But overall my year was good but I'm still glad its over.
As the new year nears the corner many people start thinking about ways they can better themselves. This is a little hings celled a new years resolution. I have thought over mine but didn't spend that much time really thinking how I wanted to better myself in the new year. I came up with a few basic things I wanted to do. Plan for after school a little more, get on honor society. What I wanted most of all school-wise was to get to school everyday on time so I can graduate. See our school has a rediculus absense policy where someone with a 100 average in a class could lose credit because they're late or miss too many days. I'm on the brink of getting denied credit in a class in which have a 100 average in. In my own life outside of school I wish to stop eating fast food to create a heathier lifestyle. Also I need to get a job and get my own ride. I made these resolutions because this year is going to be very different then previous ones. I will be graduating and out in the "real world." I need to prepare myself for this a little more and get my life set up so i'lll be able to cruise through this year slightly easier. I hope i can keep with my resolutions and make this year, like others, great.

Tuesday, December 5

Life In 4D

Tralfamadorians are aliens from the planet Tralfamadore. They view time a lot differently then humans do because they view it in 4D. They can see time as a whole not from moment to moment. From this, Bill Pilgrim learns that one day the Tralfamadorians will blow up the world. The Tralfamadorians can't change time, so every time they push the detonator button and explode Earth. There is some good things and some bad things about being able to see someone's entire life. If you knew what was going to happen in your life and when your going to die then it would make you wanna live life to the fullest. On the other hand it could cause some negative reactions. Some people would go crazy knowing that they're going to die tomorrow. This would cause chaos and anarchy. Amongst these people would be a few that would just kill themselves off so they don't die a more painful death. The benifits and the faults are debatable but overall i believe the chaos would overrun the good. I think its best to leave the life in 4D to the Tralfamadorians.

Monday, November 13

Head On


The following advertisement is promoting the product "Head On." I am not exactly sure what the product is for or what it does. The commercial is not very factual and doesn't really catch my attension. From the commercial, I was able to recieve the fact that the product is one that is applied to the forehead. I think it is good that they had a lady showing an example of how to apply Head On. It is also a good thing that they tell you that you can recieve it without a prescription at retailers nationwide.Although it has a few good things about it, I feel this product would fail if put on the market for several reasons. For instance, I watched and viewed this video several times and still cannot figure out the purpose of the product. Based on this, I think that a person viewing this video on T.V. or perhaps on hearing it on a radio would have no interest in it. I feel this way for many reasons. For starters, the product tells nothing about the purpose of it, so noone would wanna buy it. Secondly, the video is boring and wouldn't really catch a viewer's attension. It uses little or no literary devices. The only literary device I can see would be the repitition of the phrase "Head On, apply directly to the forehead." The repitition of this phrase may be used to get the point acrossed to the listener. Even though there are several good things about this commercial, I still feel it would fail because of its lack of information.

Friday, November 10

A Little Taste Of Music

The video above is one of my favorite songs "Tears Don't Fall", by one of my favorite artists Bullet For My Valentine. I like several different types of genres of music from punk, screamo, to rap. I have my exceptions but I like to mix up my styles of music so it always gives me somehting new to listen to. Considering this is my blog, I figured I'd give people a taste of what kind of music I like to listen to.

Pro or Anti-War?

"You'll pretend you were men instead of babies, and you'll be played in the movies by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne or some of those other glamorous, war-loving, dirty old men. And war will look just wonderful, so we'll have a lot more of them. And they'll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs" (Slaughter-House-Five, p. 14).

The quote above is from the novel Slaughter House Five, and is questionable whether or not people should agree or disagree with it. I do not agree that movies promote war. Most war movies now show the action and thrills to war. But along with action and thrills comes death and heartbreak. Considering the fact that people do not want to die and do not want heartbreak, I feel movies now are more towards anti-war aspects. The movies of the past however may be different.
Throughout the course of history, central themes of movies have changed drastically. With increasing change science and electronics, movies must change to suit these new changes. I feel people now adays are more anti-war. However before, people were a little more pro-war than they are now. This is why i feel that movies from before probably promoted war more than that of those now. They made war to be more of a heroic thing to do then they do now. I feel movies should be more neutral and show pro and anti-war efforts so they don't sway people's thoughts about war.
War movies have become more and more popular throughtout history. One very known movie of this time is "Saving Private Ryan." This movie is more anti-war than it is pro-war. It takes place during World War 2. A group of four brothers are staioned behind enemy lines when 3 of them were killed. At first they thought there was only 3 brothers, untill they found out there was really 4. A huge search party is set out to recover this lost soldier behind enemy lines. This war story really shows the hell of war and thats why I feel it is a anti-war story. ONe of my favorite war movies is "Full Metal Jacket." This movie first takes place in a Marine training camp. The brutalness of training and effects it causes the troops is explored greatly throughout the begging of the movie. Later the troops are sent out to Vietnam were the horrors of war begin. During the war, many die and the survivors are scared with memories that will forever haunt them. The horrors that are shown makes me believe that this movie is anti-war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor is one of the most remembered things in history. The movie Pearl Harbor is anti-war in my eyes. The deaths of all those people and the domination of that entire military base at Pearl Harbor is something not to be admired. It displays the impact of war, and proves that anything can happen. The bombing at Pearl Harbor will forever be remembered and that means that the anti-war aspect of is never to be forgotten either. All these movies are recent, proving that war movies of our time are more anti-war than movies of the past.


Everyone knows about labels and what they are. Labels can be put on by ones image, vocabulary, and the people they associate with. But do people who label others really know who they are? Or is it just because they think they know who they are?
I feel that labels aren't real cool and shouldn't be use to judge an individual or group of people. Some people label themselves and are cool with that, but is labeling ok if your doing so about yourself? I don't think people should label themself one certain thing because, whats wrong with being more then one "label?" For instance, if someone can wear hollister clothes and still listen to punk rock then thats pretty cool in my eyes. Some people would view this person as a "poser" or "wannabe," but I would just view them as someone who knows what they like.
I myself have been labeled before because I skate. Skateboarders are often affiliated with drugs, smoking, drinking, and self involved acts of vandalism. This right heere shows that this whole labeling business is totally wrong. For some it may be right, but I myself am involved in none of these things. For many others, it is probably the same case. This is why i feel labeling isn't something good and i'm not one to do so. Many labels exist, but do you feel this is right? Only you can decide..
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