Friday, November 10


Everyone knows about labels and what they are. Labels can be put on by ones image, vocabulary, and the people they associate with. But do people who label others really know who they are? Or is it just because they think they know who they are?
I feel that labels aren't real cool and shouldn't be use to judge an individual or group of people. Some people label themselves and are cool with that, but is labeling ok if your doing so about yourself? I don't think people should label themself one certain thing because, whats wrong with being more then one "label?" For instance, if someone can wear hollister clothes and still listen to punk rock then thats pretty cool in my eyes. Some people would view this person as a "poser" or "wannabe," but I would just view them as someone who knows what they like.
I myself have been labeled before because I skate. Skateboarders are often affiliated with drugs, smoking, drinking, and self involved acts of vandalism. This right heere shows that this whole labeling business is totally wrong. For some it may be right, but I myself am involved in none of these things. For many others, it is probably the same case. This is why i feel labeling isn't something good and i'm not one to do so. Many labels exist, but do you feel this is right? Only you can decide..
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