Friday, November 10

A Letter to Home,8599,1543658-1,00.html
I recently read "The Secret Letter." I feel the story wasn't really pro or anti-war. The author was simply writing to let people really know what goes on in Iraq. Some don't exactly know the truth to what goes on in any war, so the author felt it was his duty to share his info. with the world.
In my english class at school, we are currently reading the novel Slaughter House Five. This novel has much similarity to the story "The Secret Letter." Both the novel and the story are about war. Billy Pilgrim, a character in the novel, has many difficult expireneces in the war. The author or the story and Billy Pilgrim, both expirence death, hear noises that one wouldn't wanna hear, and expirence sights and smells that one shouldn't have to endure. The authors both had hard times writing about the war because they couldn't think of what to write about. How can you sum up the worst expirence of someone's life into something peopl would want to read? After awhile or thinking, they found out how, and put forth these excellent stories that I find to be very interesting.
The story "The Secret Letter," is very factual and precise. The story is so good because it tells what the war is like on a daily basis. The author stats the pros and cons to the war. Because the story is broken up into sections, it gives the reader more or a sense of direction and lets the reader knwo exactly what he is trying to explain. The novel Slaughter House Five is like the story in a sense that they both show the good and bad of war. They both give the reader the inside to what war is really like and what expirences people in war have to deal with daily. Both characters expirence Deja Vu. But the story doesn't have expirences of space creatures and flash backs like the novel does. And also, the author of the story explains how he can't wait to get home, and ejoys it when he does get home, but the character in the novel Billy Pilgrim, has a hard time dealing with the war when he gets home. Al-in-all, the story and the novel are more similar than not, and give insite to war and it tragic events.

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