Friday, October 13

Snow in October

Currently, I am sitting here in school while hundreds of other's are enjoying their first snow day of the season. I was woke up at 630 this morning by the sound of my phone ringing. Unexpectedly it was someone calling to tell me they had no school, and to check if I had the day off too. At first I was slightly disappointed when I found that a few surrounding schools had the day off mine was not one of them. I find myself questioning myself and asking, would I rather have a snow day but be without power? Or would I rather be with running water and power but still have to wake up early for school? Its quite a tuff decision but I think I could handle getting up for school, just to have electricity n water to shower in. It still would be nice to have some early snow to perhaps pull out my snowboard and do some pre-season shredding. All-in-all, I think i'll enjoy the last bit of green grass n colorful trees before they're all covored in white, cold, heavy snow.
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