Tuesday, December 5

Life In 4D

Tralfamadorians are aliens from the planet Tralfamadore. They view time a lot differently then humans do because they view it in 4D. They can see time as a whole not from moment to moment. From this, Bill Pilgrim learns that one day the Tralfamadorians will blow up the world. The Tralfamadorians can't change time, so every time they push the detonator button and explode Earth. There is some good things and some bad things about being able to see someone's entire life. If you knew what was going to happen in your life and when your going to die then it would make you wanna live life to the fullest. On the other hand it could cause some negative reactions. Some people would go crazy knowing that they're going to die tomorrow. This would cause chaos and anarchy. Amongst these people would be a few that would just kill themselves off so they don't die a more painful death. The benifits and the faults are debatable but overall i believe the chaos would overrun the good. I think its best to leave the life in 4D to the Tralfamadorians.
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