Friday, November 10

Pro or Anti-War?

"You'll pretend you were men instead of babies, and you'll be played in the movies by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne or some of those other glamorous, war-loving, dirty old men. And war will look just wonderful, so we'll have a lot more of them. And they'll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs" (Slaughter-House-Five, p. 14).

The quote above is from the novel Slaughter House Five, and is questionable whether or not people should agree or disagree with it. I do not agree that movies promote war. Most war movies now show the action and thrills to war. But along with action and thrills comes death and heartbreak. Considering the fact that people do not want to die and do not want heartbreak, I feel movies now are more towards anti-war aspects. The movies of the past however may be different.
Throughout the course of history, central themes of movies have changed drastically. With increasing change science and electronics, movies must change to suit these new changes. I feel people now adays are more anti-war. However before, people were a little more pro-war than they are now. This is why i feel that movies from before probably promoted war more than that of those now. They made war to be more of a heroic thing to do then they do now. I feel movies should be more neutral and show pro and anti-war efforts so they don't sway people's thoughts about war.
War movies have become more and more popular throughtout history. One very known movie of this time is "Saving Private Ryan." This movie is more anti-war than it is pro-war. It takes place during World War 2. A group of four brothers are staioned behind enemy lines when 3 of them were killed. At first they thought there was only 3 brothers, untill they found out there was really 4. A huge search party is set out to recover this lost soldier behind enemy lines. This war story really shows the hell of war and thats why I feel it is a anti-war story. ONe of my favorite war movies is "Full Metal Jacket." This movie first takes place in a Marine training camp. The brutalness of training and effects it causes the troops is explored greatly throughout the begging of the movie. Later the troops are sent out to Vietnam were the horrors of war begin. During the war, many die and the survivors are scared with memories that will forever haunt them. The horrors that are shown makes me believe that this movie is anti-war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor is one of the most remembered things in history. The movie Pearl Harbor is anti-war in my eyes. The deaths of all those people and the domination of that entire military base at Pearl Harbor is something not to be admired. It displays the impact of war, and proves that anything can happen. The bombing at Pearl Harbor will forever be remembered and that means that the anti-war aspect of is never to be forgotten either. All these movies are recent, proving that war movies of our time are more anti-war than movies of the past.
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