Monday, November 13

Head On

The following advertisement is promoting the product "Head On." I am not exactly sure what the product is for or what it does. The commercial is not very factual and doesn't really catch my attension. From the commercial, I was able to recieve the fact that the product is one that is applied to the forehead. I think it is good that they had a lady showing an example of how to apply Head On. It is also a good thing that they tell you that you can recieve it without a prescription at retailers nationwide.Although it has a few good things about it, I feel this product would fail if put on the market for several reasons. For instance, I watched and viewed this video several times and still cannot figure out the purpose of the product. Based on this, I think that a person viewing this video on T.V. or perhaps on hearing it on a radio would have no interest in it. I feel this way for many reasons. For starters, the product tells nothing about the purpose of it, so noone would wanna buy it. Secondly, the video is boring and wouldn't really catch a viewer's attension. It uses little or no literary devices. The only literary device I can see would be the repitition of the phrase "Head On, apply directly to the forehead." The repitition of this phrase may be used to get the point acrossed to the listener. Even though there are several good things about this commercial, I still feel it would fail because of its lack of information.
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